Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Wisconsin: Addressing Health Equity

Key Partners: local ADRC directors, state unit on aging, public health, tribal organizations, centers for independent living, area agencies on aging

At the onset of the pandemic, the state NWD lead agency began offering weekly virtual forums for the local ADRC directors, with guest speakers from the state Division of Public Health. These meetings offered opportunities for sharing questions, concerns and best practices. As the pandemic persisted, they moved the meetings to monthly naming them “Aging and Disability Network Forums,” invited local areas agencies on aging, independent living centers, tribal organizations as well as ADRCs and began to issue a monthly e-newsletter. They also increased their focus on health equity concerns that were magnified by the pandemic, offering many presentations and opportunities for discussion about health equity and social determinants of health. Finally, at each forum meeting they have a 10 minute restorative activity to address wellness and self-care such as sharing gratitude, a guided meditation or an opportunity for humor or reflection.

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