ACL: ADRC/NWD COVID-19 Vaccine Access Supplemental Funding – Allowable Activities FAQ
Description: This frequently asked questions (FAQ) document provides detail on allowable activities under the ADRC/NWD COVID-19 Vaccine Access Supplemental Funding.…
ACL: ADRC/NWD COVID-19 Vaccine Access Supplemental Funding Opportunity
Description: This frequently asked questions (FAQ) document goes over questions received during the Vaccine Access Supplemental Funding Informational Call held on April 7,…
ACL: Vaccine Access Supplemental Funding Informational Call Slide Deck
Description: The attached PowerPoint slide deck was used during the Vaccine Access Supplemental Funding Informational call held on April 7, 2021. The slides provides a description of the funding…
ACL: Vaccine Access Supplemental Funding Informational Call Recording
Description: The following is a video recording from the Vaccine Access Supplemental Funding informational call held on April 7, 2021. *If you would like the transcript for this call,…
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