Person-Centered Counseling Training Course - Free Access to Course 1!
Person-centered counseling (PCC) allows individuals to be engaged in the decision-making process about their options, preferences, values, and financial resources.…
ACL Seeks Solutions to Match People Who Are Socially Isolated with Available Social Engagement Programs and Technology Solutions
Social isolation has enormous health consequences – it has been found to be as harmful to a person’s health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. People who are socially isolated or lonely face higher…
ACL Launches Health IT Prize Competition
Partnerships between health care and community-based social services organizations have been shown to improve health outcomes and lower costs. ACL launched a Challenge Competition to spur…
ACL’s COVID-19 Resources: What’s New
ACL has uploaded new resources to their COVID-19 resource page. Click https://acl.gov/news-and-events/announcements/acls-covid-19-resources-whats-new-5 for more information.
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