Person-Centered Counseling Training Course - Free Access to Course 1!

Person-centered counseling (PCC) allows individuals to be engaged in the decision-making process about their options, preferences, values, and financial resources. Individuals in need of services or who are planning for the future have access to one-on-one counseling in a variety of settings (e.g., within the home, community residence, acute care hospital, school) based on the individual's needs.

ACL is pleased to offer free access to Course 1 (An Introduction to No Wrong Door System) of the PCC Training Program! The first course introduces the vision, values, and key structures of the NWD System and introduces the PCC professional role. This course is designed for professionals and community members who have an interest in understanding/implementing aspects of the NWD System.

Click here to create a log-in for the training program:

*Please note that you must first create a log-in to the Elsevier platform in order to access the free course. If you have already registered, you will receive an error when trying to register again. Please reach out to us at if that is the case.



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