ACL: NWD Person-Centered Counseling Training
This No Wrong Door (NWD) Person-Centered Counseling (PCC) Training resource serves as a companion to ACL: NWD Person-Centered Counseling Defined and ACL: NWD Person-Centered Counseling Policies.…
ACL: NWD Sustainability Learning Series Summary
In 2024, ACL hosted a four-part peer action learning series on the key elements of a No Wrong Door (NWD) System with a lens towards sustaining and financing each function.…
No Wrong Door Sustainability Series: Person-Centered Counseling PAL
Participants joined this Peer Action Learning (PAL) call for small and large group discussion about person-centered counseling (PCC) within the No Wrong Door (NWD) vision.…
California: Person-Centered Practices Primer
The California Department of Aging (CDA) created this primer which highlights the person-centered practices in No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems for long-term services and supports (LTSS).…
ACL: NWD Person-Centered Counseling Policies
This No Wrong Door (NWD) Person-Centered Counseling (PCC) Policies resource serves as a companion to ACL: NWD Person-Centered Counseling Defined and elaborates on key PCC policy milestones for states…
Virginia No Wrong Door Summit: Think.Innovate.Activate
Virginia No Wrong Door (NWD) hosted the NWD Summit: Think.Innovate.Activate on Wednesday, April 19th at Maymont Park in Richmond, VA. The NWD Summit focused on opportunities to learn about No Wrong…
ACL: NWD Person-Centered Counseling Defined
This No Wrong Door (NWD) Person-Centered Counseling (PCC) Defined resource covers the definition, components, key concepts, and status of PCC. It also includes PCC resources from multiple states.
Person-Centered Thinking Toolkit
The Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling (OHIC) is pleased to announce a new Person-Centered Thinking (PCT) Toolkit. The PCT toolkit was developed by the National Center on Advancing…
NLC Network Development: Peer Group Dialogue Meeting 6/14/23
This Peer Group Dialogue meeting focused on organizational culture change. Please see resources shared and referenced during the meeting below: Person-Centered Planning Resources Person-Centered…
Kansas: Aging and Disability Partners Work Together During COVID to Facilitate Transitions from Nursing Homes
Key Partners · Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (state unit on aging (SUA)) · Kansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disability · Central Plains Area Agency on Aging ·…
ADRC COVID Grant Overview and Highlights!
ACL recognizes the unprecedented response by the 55 state and territory ADRC COVID Grantees during two and a half very chaotic pandemic years to not only support the immediate needs of the people…
PA Link: Person-Centered Counseling Operational Guide and Assessment Form
The Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resource Office (ADRO) designed the Person-Centered Counseling (PCC) program in order to better guide Pennsylvanians on the wide range of public and…
Delaware: Using COVID Funds to Strengthen Critical NWD Partners
Key Partners: 211, Delaware’s Centers for Independent Living (Freedom Center for Independent Living and Independent Resource, Inc.), and the Statewide Independent Living Council Description:…
Alison Barkoff Speaks at CA for ALL Ages & Abilities Day of Action
Alison Barkoff, Acting Administrator for ACL, addressed attendees at the CA for ALL Ages & Abilities Day of Action. Alison congratulated CA on their efforts in building a NWD system which is…
New Hampshire: Care Transitions from Facility to Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Key Partners: ADRCs, hospital discharge planners, New Hampshire Care Collaborative The Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) in New Hampshire (called ServiceLinks) have a long history of…
ACL: No Wrong Door Fact Sheet
Description: This brief fact sheet provides an overview of the No Wrong Door (NWD) System and definitions of the four NWD Key Functions: 1) Public Outreach & Coordination with Key Referral Sources;…
ACL: No Wrong Door System Principles
Description: Complementing the No Wrong Door (NWD) Key Elements, the NWD Principles provide guidance for entities seeking to adopt the fundamentals of NWD philosophy within their organization’s…
NQF: Person Centered Planning and Practice Final Report
Description: This report documents the effort to address long-term services and supports (LTSS) that are predicated on a person’s needs, preferences, goals, and desires.…
Indiana NWD Business Case: Person-Centered Counseling and Care Transition Intervention
Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need long term…
Indiana: D-SNP Care Coordination Orientation
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: D-SNP Care Coordination Orientation
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: D-SNP Care Coordination Orientation
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: Care Transitions Program Pitch Deck for Hospitals
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: Care Transitions Program Pitch Deck for Hospitals
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: Care Transitions Program Pitch Deck for Hospitals
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Includes both person-centered planning and counseling