Conference Recordings are Available NOW!
https://acl.gov/HousingAndServices/advancing-partnerships-conference Good news! The recordings from our amazing conference are now available online. Click the link above and feel free to share!
Data Strategies Session
Strategies for Cross-Sector Data Exchanges June 27, 2024; 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm ET To work efficiently, housing, health and social care partnerships need ways to share, match, and/or integrate data.…
Day Two Morning Plenary
Keynote: Meeting the Complex Needs of Populations Experiencing or At-Risk of Homelessness June 27, 2024; 8:30 am – 10:00 am ET Our morning plenary on day two will feature Dr. Margot Kushel.…
Midday Plenary
Federal Opportunities Connecting Housing, Health and Social Care Services and Supports June 26, 2024; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET Our midday plenary will feature representatives from the Centers for…
Opening Plenary
Learning from People with Lived Experience June 26, 2024; 8:30 am – 10:00 am ET Our opening plenary will feature a panel of individuals with lived experience with homelessness or housing instability.…
Travel Logistics
Attached are travel logistics documents for sponsored (travel paid by SAMHSA) and non-sponsored participants. Registration must be completed by June 7, 2024.
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