Virginia: Social Health Connector Tool
Social Health Connector is a digital tool from NWD Virginia that anyone can use to reflect on the connections in their life and discover opportunities to improve social engagement.…
Indiana: D-SNP Care Coordination Orientation
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: Care Transitions Program Pitch Deck for Hospitals
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: Care Transition Process Flow
Description: Through an ACL NWD Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors help individuals access HCBS and avoid institutional care in a nursing facility;…
Illinois Care Connections FY21 Final Report
I'm excited to share the FY21 Illinois Care Connections final report. The Illinois Department on Aging (the SUA and ADRC/NWD grantee), partnered with the Illinois Department of Human Services and…
Virginia: Vaccine Outreach NWD/AT Collaboration
Description: Virginia Assistive Technology Systems (VATS) has been partnering with Virginia’s NWD System to facilitate vaccine outreach. They have established a Virginia Assistive Technology Systems…
Maryland: The Maryland Department of Aging and 211 Maryland Partner to Expand Reach of Maryland Access Point
Description: This press release announced a new partnership between the Maryland Department of Aging and 211 Maryland to increase access to aging and disability information.…
Wisconsin: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Template
Description: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has developed a sample MOU for use between the state's ADRCs and 211. Each of WI's 48 ADRCs has its own MOU with 211 using this template as a…
New Jersey Assistive Technology Taxonomy
I've attached New Jersey's Assistive Technology taxonomies, you'll note that there is one for older adults (Title IIIB), one for caregivers and one for grandparent caregivers (Title IIIE).
New York: NY Connects - Your Link to Long Term Services and Supports Slide Deck
Description: This slide deck was created by the New York Office for the Aging for the NWD System Business Case Toolkit to make a case for No Wrong Door with managed care plans as the audience.…
Wisconsin: Options Counseling - The Power of a Personalized Experience
Description: This infographic was created by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for the NWD System Business Case Toolkit to make a case for No Wrong Door with legislators and other…
Illinois: Illinois Care Connections
Description: The Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) developed Illinois Cares Connections in partnership with the Illinois NWD System (Department on Aging (IDoA),…
Connecticut: ADRC/AT Partnership Stay Connected Program Case Study
CT leveraged ADRC CARES Act funding to implement the Stay Connected Program , an impressive collaborative effort between the Department of Aging and Disability Services’ State Unit on Aging and…
Oregon: Assistive Technology Workshop Materials
Description: These materials are related to Oregon's regional assistive technology (AT) workshops hosted in partnership with the state AT program and Public Utility Commission.…
Oregon: Assistive Technology (AT) Proposal Developed for Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)
Description: This proposal was developed by Access Technologies, Inc. to offer partnerships with ADRCs throughout Oregon to successfully expand the Connecting though Technology activity,…
Oregon: Assistive Technology (AT) Marketing Poster
Description: This marketing poster, created by the Oregon Department of Human Services and Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon, is intended to raise awareness about the state's…
Oregon: Assistive Device Resource Guide for Staff Working with Consumers
Description: This guide is for Oregon staff who provide options counseling and case management services to consumers who may benefit from using assistive technology devices or services.…
Oregon: MOU Between State AT Program and Oregon DHS
Description: This memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) and Access Technologies, Inc. recognizes the partnership between the two organizations and…
Alaska: ADRC ATLA Program Overview
Description: This document provides a background on Assistive Technology of Alaska (ATLA), an overview of their AT program, services and training topics offered by ATLA to enhance the professional…
Alaska: ADRC Staff Workflow for Identifying and Generating AT Referrals
Description: This flowchart breaks down the workflow Alaska ADRC staff follow for identifying and generating assistive technology (AT) referrals. The flowchart is broken down into three main…
Alaska: ADRC Assistive Technology (AT) Screen
Description: This fillable ADRC Assistive Technology (AT) Screen is used by Alaska ADRC staff to determine if program participants are eligible to be referred to Assistive Technology of Alaska…
Virginia: COVID-19: Creative and Promising Social Connectedness Practices
Description: Virginia has compiled some examples of service flexibility and maintaining social connectedness from interviews, conversations, and a statewide survey from its AAAs.…
Virginia: Older Adults & Social Isolation: The Other Epidemic
Description: The Virginia NWD System developed this fact sheet on social isolation to share with hospitals to facilitate care transitions partnerships.…
Virginia: 3 Ways to Support Older Adults
Description: Virginia created a flyer advertising some ways to support older adults and combat social isolation during the pandemic. Click here to access the resource: https://sharepoint.wwrc.…
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