Indiana: Care Transitions Program Pitch Deck for Hospitals

Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need long term services and supports (LTSS) access home and community-based services (HCBS) and avoid institutional care in a nursing facility; and that 2) care transition coaches can help Indiana Aged and Disabled Medicaid Waiver (ADW) participants avoid hospital readmissions and associated potential negative impacts on functional status, thus improving their ability to remain in the community.

The Pitch Deck for Hospitals includes Indiana NWD system goals, project outcomes, and readmission data. Additionally, it includes a sample flyer to explain the care transitions program to hospitals. While local ADRCs in Indiana could choose the hospitals they engaged with, the state facilitated their partnerships through this standard pitch deck.



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