Hub Survey of Health Care Partners
Hi Everyone, Have any CC Hubs done a survey of their health care partners to garner feedback / gauge their assessment of their Hub? WNYICC would like to do a similar type survey - wondering if anyone…
Nevada: No Wrong Door Partner in Las Vegas Leverages Hospital2Home Care Transitions Model
Key partners: Nevada Senior Services – a No Wrong Door partner in Las Vegas, Nevada Valley Health System – an integrated system of care in Las Vegas and Southern Nevada comprised of six acute care…
Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology webinar: MAC, Inc and CRISP HIE
Chesapeake Regional Information Systems for Patients (CRISP), the state-designated Health Information Exchange (HIE) in Maryland, and Maryland Access Point (MAP), an Area Agency on Aging,…
NLC Network Expansion Track Meeting 6/8/23
This Network Expansion ECHO Session focused on addressing health related social needs (HRSN) through the integration of social care and medical care in a Primary Care First practice.…
ADRC COVID Grant Overview and Highlights!
ACL recognizes the unprecedented response by the 55 state and territory ADRC COVID Grantees during two and a half very chaotic pandemic years to not only support the immediate needs of the people…
NLC Network Expansion Meeting 5/11/23
This Network Expansion ECHO Session focused on contracting with hospitals. The session was facilitated by Tim McNeill and the Freedmen's Health team and included a guest presentation by CommonSpirit…
Public Health Partnerships and the End of the COVID-19 Emergency
Many NLC participants have public health partnerships related to COVID vaccinations and COVID education. How is your hub navigating your partnership with the end to the COVID-19 emergency on May…
CIL Partnerships
Several CCHs from the aging and nonprofit sector have expressed interest in partnering with local Centers for Independent Living (CILs) as part of their Community Care Hub network.…
Two-Minute Pitch for Potential CCH Formation Collaborators?
Hello NLC Community, Our organization is increasingly meeting other organizations which express interest in participating in a CCH as partners/co-founders,…
Community Care Hub Contracting Spotlight
This resource highlights the work of the Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative (WNYICC), Mid-America Regional Council (MARC), and Community Care Solutions (CCS).…
Community Care Hub Contracting Spotlight
This resource highlights the work of the Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative (WNYICC), Mid-America Regional Council (MARC), and Community Care Solutions (CCS).…
NLC Network Expansion: Peer Group Dialogue Mtg. 2/23/23
Please find a link to the video recording of the YMCA Case Study presentation by Dr. Matt Longjohn here: https://vimeo.com/801091796 Attached attached are slides from the case study presentation.
NLC Network Expansion Track Meeting 2/9/23
The third Network Expansion Track meeting focused on building cross sector partnerships to address housing needs. Please see meeting slides attached. Resources shared during the meeting:…
NLC Network Expansion Track Meeting 1/12/23
The second Network Expansion Track meeting focused on health and housing financing strategies. Please see meeting slides attached. Resources shared during the meeting:…
How has your organization/network grown your housing partnerships?
By training your existing workforce, by identifying housing partners to include in your network, or by other means?
NLC Network Expansion Track Meeting 12/8/22
The first Network Expansion meeting focused on Health and Housing. Please see meeting slides attached. Resources shared during the meeting: Housing and Services Resource Center Website: https://acl.…
Network Expansion Learning Track Profiles
Learn about the current partnerships, geographic coverage, and services offered by the Community Care Hub National Learning Community - Network Expansion track participants with this NLC Network…
ACL: Streamlining Access to Public Programs
Streamlined access to public programs is one function of a No Wrong Door (NWD) System that exists to strengthen how individuals access and enroll in publicly funded Long-Term Services and Supports…
Utah: Leveraging Partnerships to Reach Underserved Populations During COVID-19 and Beyond
Key Partners: Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Moab Valley Multicultural Center, Homecare & Hospice Association of Utah Description: Using COVID-19 Vaccine Access Grant funds,…
What are your NLC goals?
Welcome Development Track participants! As a follow-up to the NLC Kick-off meeting we invite all participants to share their organization's NLC goals on this discussion forum thread.…
What are your NLC goals?
Welcome Expansion Track participants! As a follow-up to the NLC Kick-off meeting we invite all participants to share their organization's NLC goals on this discussion forum thread.…
ACL: I/DD Integration in NWD System Checklist
Description: This checklist provides a guide for promoting integration of the intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD) network as part of a robust and responsive No Wrong Door (NWD) System…
ACL: Understanding Key No Wrong Door Partners: I/DD Network
Description: This document is intended to enhance understanding of key players in the intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) network to improve collaboration and network alignment.…
Community Care Hub National Learning Community
The Administration for Community Living (ACL), with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), invites community-based organizations from across the country to apply for the…
ACL: State Medicaid Agency Collaboration in NWD System Checklist
Description: This checklist provides a guide for No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems to promote collaboration between aging and disability state agencies and the state Medicaid agency as part of a robust…