ACL: Leveraging Medicaid Administrative Claiming for No Wrong Door Systems
ACL developed a resource for state Medicaid programs which details the benefits of leveraging Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) for No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems to address access inefficiencies.…
No Wrong Door Sustainability Series: Person-Centered Counseling PAL
Participants joined this Peer Action Learning (PAL) call for small and large group discussion about person-centered counseling (PCC) within the No Wrong Door (NWD) vision.…
ACL: State Examples of NWD Funding
Description: This document provides examples of how NWD Systems can use a variety of funding streams to support development and sustainability. Click here for more information on sustaining a NWD…
ACL: State Medicaid Agency Collaboration in NWD System Checklist
Description: This checklist provides a guide for No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems to promote collaboration between aging and disability state agencies and the state Medicaid agency as part of a robust…
ACL: Episode 6: Medicaid Administrative Claiming
Description: Join Christina Neill Bowen and Roger Auerbach as they provide an overview of and discuss Medicaid Administrative Claiming. To view he ACL NWD website with Medicaid resources referenced…
CMS: Early Use of Community-Based Long-Term Services and Supports and Lower Downstream Use of Institutional Care Slide Deck
Description: This slide deck presented by CMS on June 7th, 2018 includes information and data on a study conducted to examine if community-based LTSS can lead to decreased usage of institutional…
ACL: NWD Sustainability Learning Series Summary
In 2024, ACL hosted a four-part peer action learning series on the key elements of a No Wrong Door (NWD) System with a lens towards sustaining and financing each function.…
ACL: Strengthening the No Wrong Door Business Case by Using Medicare and Medicaid Data Slide Deck
Description: This slide deck on using Medicare/Medicaid data to strengthen the No Wrong Door business case was presented by ACL during the 2021 Home & Community-Based Services Conference on December…
No Wrong Door Sustainability Series: Streamlined Access PAL
Participants joined this Peer Action Learning (PAL) call for small and large group discussion about streamlined access within the No Wrong Door (NWD) vision.…
North Dakota Care Transitions and Diversion Activities: Informed Choice Initiative
North Dakota is rolling out a large statewide initiative to expand access to home and community-based services (HCBS) by leveraging their Money Follows the Person (MFP) program and No Wrong Door…
ACL: Strategies to Sustain a No Wrong Door System
This infographic highlights Medicaid administrative claiming as a key strategy to sustaining a No Wrong Door (NWD) system. The resource provides updated information on states that are claiming for…
MD Blending and Braiding of Funding
Maryland plans to divert individuals from nursing facilities at the point of hospital discharge through strategic partnerships between the ADRC and local hospitals.…
AARP: Effective Transitions between Care Settings
Description: This brief details six ways states can measure and improve their care transitions programs between acute and long-term services and supports settings.…
Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) Integration Requirements
Description: D-SNP integration requirements as outlined by CMS. The memo specifically lists a possible option for compliance being to contract with an Area Agency on Aging (bottom of the first page).…
ACL: State Examples of NWD Funding
Description: This document provides examples of how NWD Systems can use a variety of funding streams to support development and sustainability. The section titled "Hospital Systems" offers an example…
ACL: Changes in HCBS Programs in Response to COVID-19
Description: In response to the COVID-19 emergency, states are receiving federal approval for modifying their Medicaid HCBS waivers in a variety of ways.…
No Wrong Door Sustainability Series: Governance PAL
Participants joined this Peer Action Learning (PAL) call for small and large group discussion about governance within the No Wrong Door (NWD) vision. Topics included the role of the governing body…
No Wrong Door Sustainability Series: Public Outreach PAL
Participants joined this Peer Action Learning (PAL) call for small and large group discussion about public outreach within the No Wrong Door (NWD) vision.…
Promoting Information Sharing by Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans to Improve Care Transitions: State Options and Considerations
Description: The CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office (MMCO), Integrated Care Resource Center issued a Medicaid Directors guidance document outlining how D-SNPs can meet this requirement by…
Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) Map
This map demonstrates with states are claiming for or planning to claim for Medicaid administrative activities. 28 states are currently claiming and 15 states are in the planning phase.
Updated CMS Processes for Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP)
Description: The CMS issues a notice that due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, they are issuing an extension for the submission of completed contracts until November 2, 2020.…
ACL: NWD Sustainability Learning Series Summary
In 2024, ACL hosted a four-part peer action learning series on the key elements of a No Wrong Door (NWD) System with a lens towards sustaining and financing each function.…
No Wrong Door Sustainability Series: Streamlined Access PAL
Participants joined this Peer Action Learning (PAL) call for small and large group discussion about streamlined access within the No Wrong Door (NWD) vision.…
No Wrong Door Sustainability Series: Governance PAL
Participants joined this Peer Action Learning (PAL) call for small and large group discussion about governance within the No Wrong Door (NWD) vision. Topics included the role of the governing body…
No Wrong Door Sustainability Series: Public Outreach PAL
Participants joined this Peer Action Learning (PAL) call for small and large group discussion about public outreach within the No Wrong Door (NWD) vision.…