Wyoming: Tech2Connect Initiative to Combat Social Isolation

Description: The attached flyer highlights Wyoming’s “Tech2Connect” partnership among the Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources (state AT program); the Wyoming Department of Health; and the University of Wyoming: Wyoming Center on Aging. The Wyoming Aging and Disability Resource Center initiative is led by the University of Wyoming: Wyoming Center on Aging. The ”Tech2Connect” partnership aimed to provide older adults and adults in Wyoming with technology assistance to combat social isolation and facilitate remote social and healthcare services. They used ADRC CARES Act funding to provide small grants to community partners that applied via an online application.  The initiative allowed local partners to use funds to meet the unique needs in their particular communities. Funds were distributed to 18 senior centers, four health care organizations, three non-profit organizations, three assisted living organizations, one senior living organization and one tribal health organization. A video describing the initiative is available on the AT3 Center YouTube channel.



 Keyword(s): remote engagement; social isolation; social connectedness; technology; partnership building



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