Health Equity Services in the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule
Medicare Learning Network Booklet: Health Equity Services in the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule
Resources on Equity in the NWD System
No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems empower individuals to make informed decisions, to exercise control over their Long-Term Service and Support (LTSS) needs, and to achieve their personal goals and…
Utah: Leveraging Partnerships to Reach Underserved Populations During COVID-19 and Beyond
Key Partners: Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Moab Valley Multicultural Center, Homecare & Hospice Association of Utah Description: Using COVID-19 Vaccine Access Grant funds,…
ACL: I/DD Integration in NWD System Checklist
Description: This checklist provides a guide for promoting integration of the intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD) network as part of a robust and responsive No Wrong Door (NWD) System…
ACL: Understanding Key No Wrong Door Partners: I/DD Network
Description: This document is intended to enhance understanding of key players in the intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) network to improve collaboration and network alignment.…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategies: Rhode Island Includes ASL Interpretation in Outreach Campaign
Key Partners: Rhode Island Department of Health, Rhode Island Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Rhode Island Deaf Senior Citizens, RDW Group Description:…
AARP: LTSS Scorecard Website
Description: The Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) State Scorecard—a compilation of state data and analysis—showcases measures of state performance for creating a high-quality system of care in…
How NWD/ADRC Systems have Advanced Equity During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
NWD Systems are at the heart of connecting people with the right services at the right time. This can’t be done well without understanding how age, disability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation,…
ACL: Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations
This one-pager provides practical steps for organizations in the NWD System to partner with faith-based organizations. It also features examples of states that are partnering with faith-based…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Ohio: Multipronged Strategies for Current State of the Pandemic
Key Partners: ADRCs, Community-Based Organizations, Home Energy Assistance Program, Local Interpreter, Education Partners, Event Sponsors OH has been employing a variety of outreach methods to…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Delaware: Survey of Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities in Partnership with UCEDD
Key Partner: UCEDD Delaware has been actively working with the University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies, Delaware’s UCEDD, to develop a survey for older Delawareans,…
Virginia NWD: COVID-19 Response and Vaccine Access Infographic
Description: No Wrong Door - Virginia created the attached infographic which highlights how they have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. The infographic includes key data points,…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: RI Conducts Vaccine Outreach in Culturally Diverse Communities
Key partners: RI Office of Healthy Aging, RI Department of Health, RI Executive Office of Health and Human Services, The United Way of Rhode Island While the overall COVID-19 vaccination rate in…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Georgia Collaborative Promotes a No Wrong Door Approach to Vaccine Outreach
Key Partners: ADRCs, Areas Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living, State Unit on Aging, Assistive Technology Program, University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities,…
NCAPPS: Removing Barriers to Healthcare: A New Era for House Calls?
Description: This resource includes information on how house call visits are a way of providing more inclusive healthcare. It highlights the benefits and challenges of house call visits and features…
NCAPPS: Better Together - Brain Injury Survivors Building Community
Description: These webinar notes feature conversations with brain injury survivors about their participation in the NCAPPS Brain Injury Learning Collaborative.…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategies: Montana: Leveraging friends, family and faith-based leaders
Key Partners: Local ADRCs, faith-based organizations, senior centers, county health departments Montana has started a pilot outreach project, targeted toward faith-based organizations,…
CMS: Early Use of Community-Based Long-Term Services and Supports and Lower Downstream Use of Institutional Care Slide Deck
Description: This slide deck presented by CMS on June 7th, 2018 includes information and data on a study conducted to examine if community-based LTSS can lead to decreased usage of institutional…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: New York, Vaccine Ambassadors
Key Partners: local public health department, local Tompkins County ADRC The ADRC in Tompkins County NY worked with the health department to plan and schedule vaccine clinics in rural and unserved…
AUCD: Prepared4ALL Whole Community Inclusive Emergency Planning
Description: The Association of University Centers on Disabilities has launched a free online training, Prepared4ALL. Prepared4ALL assists disability organizations, emergency managers,…
AT3 Center: State and Territory AT Act Programs Support Post-COVID Conditions
Description: In this brief, the National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center highlights how AT Act Programs can support individuals experiencing long-term effects…
ADvancing States: San Francisco Wellness Check Script: Seniors and People with Disabilities
Description: Script for DDAS and CBO staff to use for checking in with older adults and people with disabilities. Click here to access the resource: http://www.advancingstates.…
SCDD: Plain Language Explanation of COVID-19
Description: Plain language explanation of COVID-19 by and for people with disabilities. Click here to access the resource:…
New Mexico: Tribal Response Plan
Description: This document provides state tribal leaders with some additional options in their planning and response to COVID. The plan provides strategies on quarantine,…
National Core Indicators®: COVID-19 Bulletin with Infographic: Indicators of isolation and loneliness among people with IDD
Description: To aid the intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) community in this unprecedented time, we are sharing some National Core Indicators (NCI) data from the 2018-19 In-Person…
Includes VDC, tribes, I/DD, youth, and caregivers