Kansas: Aging and Disability Partners Work Together During COVID to Facilitate Transitions from Nursing Homes
Key Partners · Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (state unit on aging (SUA)) · Kansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disability · Central Plains Area Agency on Aging ·…
New Hampshire: Care Transitions from Facility to Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Key Partners: ADRCs, hospital discharge planners, New Hampshire Care Collaborative The Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) in New Hampshire (called ServiceLinks) have a long history of…
ACL: No Wrong Door Fact Sheet
Description: This brief fact sheet provides an overview of the No Wrong Door (NWD) System and definitions of the four NWD Key Functions: 1) Public Outreach & Coordination with Key Referral Sources;…
Virginia NWD: COVID-19 Response and Vaccine Access Infographic
Description: No Wrong Door - Virginia created the attached infographic which highlights how they have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. The infographic includes key data points,…
AT3 Center: Assistive Technology Is A Part Of Everyday Life - Transportation
Description: This flier includes information on what assistive technology (AT) is, what services AT Act programs provide, how AT can support transportation,…
Connecticut: ADRC/AT Partnership Stay Connected Program Case Study
CT leveraged ADRC CARES Act funding to implement the Stay Connected Program , an impressive collaborative effort between the Department of Aging and Disability Services’ State Unit on Aging and…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Missouri: COVID-19 Toolkits and Technology Workshops
Key Partners: ADRCs, State Unit on Aging, UCEDD, Division of Developmental Disabilities, MoHealth Net (Medicaid), Assistive Technology Program The UCEDD in Missouri has been disseminating COVID-19…
ACL: Strategies for Helping Older Adults and People with Disabilities Access COVID-19 Vaccines
Description: This resource by ACL highlights innovative approaches to vaccine outreach and education, assistance in making vaccine appointments, accessibility, and in-home vaccinations.…
AT3 Center: State and Territory AT Act Programs Support Post-COVID Conditions
Description: In this brief, the National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center highlights how AT Act Programs can support individuals experiencing long-term effects…
AT3 Center: State and Territory AT Act Programs Support Vaccination
Description: In this new COVID-19 issue brief, the National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center cites research showing that,…
ACL: Assistive Technology and ADRC/NWD Partnership Handout
Description: This handout provides types and everyday usage examples of assistive technology, links to assistive technology resources, and short descriptions of several state-specific responses to…
HCBS: Assistive Technology Partnerships and Resources: COVID and Beyond
Description: This PowerPoint slide deck on assistive technology and COVID-19 was presented by the Assistive Technology Training and Technical Assistance (AT3) Center at the ADvancing States 2020…
ADvancing States: Technology Access During COVID-19: State Aging and Disability Initiatives
Description: This issue brief by ADvancing States explores initiatives that state aging and disabilities agencies are engaging in during the COVID-19 pandemic to facilitate access to technology…
ACL: ADRC and Assistive Technology Collaboration Checklist
Description: This checklist provides a road map for No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems to promote collaboration between aging and disability networks of access such as Aging and Disability Resource Centers…
Virginia: Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATs) Guidebooks and Resources
Description: The Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS) is the name of the state’s Assistive Technology Act program. The goal of VATS is to increase access to and acquisition of assistive…
Wyoming: Tech2Connect Initiative to Combat Social Isolation
Description: The attached flyer highlights Wyoming’s “Tech2Connect” partnership among the Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources (state AT program); the Wyoming Department of Health;…
ACL: Episode 4: Elevating Assistive Technology Program Partnerships Across the No Wrong Door System
Description: Join Christina Neill Bowen as she goes over the history of the NWD vision and how to elevate assistive technology program partnerships with Joseph Lugo,…
ACL: Episode 3: Partnering with Assistive Technology Programs
Description: Join Christina Neill Bowen as she discusses strategies on how to partner with assistive technology programs during the COVID-19 pandemic with Mystie Rail from Assistive Technology of…
Iowa: Assistive Technology for Social Isolation
Description: Iowa used ADRC CARES Act funding to partner with Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology (AT) Program (state AT program) to address social isolation.…
Illinois Care Connections FY21 Final Report
I'm excited to share the FY21 Illinois Care Connections final report. The Illinois Department on Aging (the SUA and ADRC/NWD grantee), partnered with the Illinois Department of Human Services and…
Illinois: Illinois Care Connections
Description: The Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) developed Illinois Cares Connections in partnership with the Illinois NWD System (Department on Aging (IDoA),…
AARP: The American Rescue Plan & Older Adults: Opportunities and Resources for Local Leaders
Description: This report provides an overview of the Department of Treasury's guidance and highlights the ways local leaders can use the act to address community needs related to transit and…
ACL: Tools for Reaching a Remote Audience
Description: This tip sheet provides an overview of some popular tools to reach out to and connect with your audience. Click here to access the resource: https://acl.…