California: Person-Centered Practices Primer
The California Department of Aging (CDA) created this primer which highlights the person-centered practices in No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems for long-term services and supports (LTSS).…
PA Link: Person-Centered Counseling Operational Guide and Assessment Form
The Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resource Office (ADRO) designed the Person-Centered Counseling (PCC) program in order to better guide Pennsylvanians on the wide range of public and…
Indiana: D-SNP Care Coordination Orientation
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: Care Transitions Program Pitch Deck for Hospitals
Description: Through an Administration for Community Living (ACL) No Wrong Door (NWD) Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors (PCCs) help individuals who need…
Indiana: Care Transition Process Flow
Description: Through an ACL NWD Business Case grant, Indiana demonstrated that 1) person-centered counselors help individuals access HCBS and avoid institutional care in a nursing facility;…
New Hampshire: NWD Data Collection Form
Description: The NH Data Collection Form is used by the ADRC (i.e., Service Link) statewide network in their Refer7 database. The data collection form can help improve the consistency of the…
Wisconsin: Options Counseling ADRC Operations Manual
Description: This section of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services' ADRC operations manual provides information on the state's options counseling standards,…
Wisconsin: Options Counseling Supervisor Observation and Support Tool and Guide
Description: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services developed an Options Counseling Supervisor Observation and Support Tool with an accompanying guide.…
Wisconsin: Better Serving Private Pay Clients
Description: The Wisconsin ADRC/NWD System has been a leader in providing options counseling to help people use their own resources wisely and avoid or prevent reliance on publicly funded LTSS.…
Wisconsin: Follow-Up Embedded as a Key Component of Practice
Description: Wisconsin learned the value of follow-up with evidence from consumer satisfaction research. Through consumer satisfaction surveys (including thousands of phone interviews) and site…
Washington: Person-Centered Options Counseling Standards
Description: Community Living Connections (CLC), Washington State’s NWD System, adopted person-centered options counseling standards driven by person and family-centered practice.…
Virginia: Options Counseling Standards
Description: Virginia formed a statewide council made up of many stakeholders, including Centers for Independent Living (CILs), Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), people with disabilities,…
Oregon: Department of Aging and People with Disability's Vision for a Person-Centered Culture: Summary of Onsite Meeting and Process
Description: This report memorializes Oregon Department of Aging's first activity under the NCAPPS grant, where they worked together with key staff and stakeholders to learn about Charting the…
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