Oregon Data Dashboard
The Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) of Oregon created a data dashboard which includes information about consumers who have received ADRC Information and Referral (I&R) and Options…
ACL: Use of Information Technology and Management Information Systems (IT/MIS)
Description: This document details the use of Information Technology and management information systems (IT/MIS) in creating powerful networks of state and community-based organizations (CBOs).
NLC All-Member Peer Group Dialogue Meeting - Information Technology 7/27/23
This All-Member Peer Group Dialogue meeting focused on information technology. The presentation portion of the meeting included an overview of the results from the IT pre-session survey and an…
Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology webinar: MAC, Inc and CRISP HIE
Chesapeake Regional Information Systems for Patients (CRISP), the state-designated Health Information Exchange (HIE) in Maryland, and Maryland Access Point (MAP), an Area Agency on Aging,…
NLC Network Expansion Track Meeting 4/13/23
This Network Expansion Track session continued the Billing and Coding ECHO series. The meeting was facilitated by Tim McNeill and the Freedmen's Health team and featured a presentation on Z codes by…
NLC Network Expansion Track Meeting 3/9/23
This Network Expansion Track session kicked off the Billing and Coding ECHO series. The meeting was facilitated by Tim McNeill and the Freedmen's Health team and featured Sarah Paliani from the…
NLC Network Expansion: Peer Group Dialogue Mtg. 2/23/23
Please find a link to the video recording of the YMCA Case Study presentation by Dr. Matt Longjohn here: https://vimeo.com/801091796 Attached attached are slides from the case study presentation.
Has your CCH experienced challenges in accessing data due to PHI concerns?
If so, please consider sharing more about the challenges your organization has experienced. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) recently published HIPAA guidance that may be relevant to your work as a…
Delaware: Using COVID Funds to Strengthen Critical NWD Partners
Key Partners: 211, Delaware’s Centers for Independent Living (Freedom Center for Independent Living and Independent Resource, Inc.), and the Statewide Independent Living Council Description:…
ACL: Selecting an IT/MIS Vendor Checklist and Timeline
Description: Selecting the right information technology/management information system (IT/MIS) vendor is an important part of making technology improvements that meet your organization’s needs to…
New Hampshire: NWD Data Collection Form
Description: The NH Data Collection Form is used by the ADRC (i.e., Service Link) statewide network in their Refer7 database. The data collection form can help improve the consistency of the…
ACL: Strengthening the No Wrong Door Business Case by Using Medicare and Medicaid Data Slide Deck
Description: This slide deck on using Medicare/Medicaid data to strengthen the No Wrong Door business case was presented by ACL during the 2021 Home & Community-Based Services Conference on December…
ACL: Understanding the Role of Return on Investment (ROI) Calculators
Description: This one-pager provides an overview of how ROI calculators work, information on how ACL has been developing national ROI calculators, and two examples of ROI innovations in WI and NY.
National Core Indicators®: COVID-19 Bulletin with Infographic: Indicators of isolation and loneliness among people with IDD
Description: To aid the intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) community in this unprecedented time, we are sharing some National Core Indicators (NCI) data from the 2018-19 In-Person…
NASMPHD: TA Coalition Webinar- Technology Based Outreach to Increase Access to Care and Support in Times of Crisis
Description: Technology has offered our system the opportunity to reduce the time and barriers we have to get help to individuals as soon as we can. Phone calls have long been linkage and referral…
ADvancing States: Technology Access During COVID-19: State Aging and Disability Initiatives
Description: This issue brief by ADvancing States explores initiatives that state aging and disabilities agencies are engaging in during the COVID-19 pandemic to facilitate access to technology…
New York: NY Connects - Your Link to Long Term Services and Supports Slide Deck
Description: This slide deck was created by the New York Office for the Aging for the NWD System Business Case Toolkit to make a case for No Wrong Door with managed care plans as the audience.…