Kansas: Aging and Disability Partners Work Together During COVID to Facilitate Transitions from Nursing Homes
Key Partners · Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (state unit on aging (SUA)) · Kansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disability · Central Plains Area Agency on Aging ·…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategies: Rhode Island Includes ASL Interpretation in Outreach Campaign
Key Partners: Rhode Island Department of Health, Rhode Island Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Rhode Island Deaf Senior Citizens, RDW Group Description:…
NWD Indicator on LTSS Scorecard
Description: The Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) State Scorecard—a compilation of state data and analysis—showcases measures of state performance for creating a high-quality system of care in…
North Dakota Care Transitions and Diversion Activities: Informed Choice Initiative
North Dakota is rolling out a large statewide initiative to expand access to home and community-based services (HCBS) by leveraging their Money Follows the Person (MFP) program and No Wrong Door…
ACL: Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations
This one-pager provides practical steps for organizations in the NWD System to partner with faith-based organizations. It also features examples of states that are partnering with faith-based…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Ohio: Multipronged Strategies for Current State of the Pandemic
Key Partners: ADRCs, Community-Based Organizations, Home Energy Assistance Program, Local Interpreter, Education Partners, Event Sponsors OH has been employing a variety of outreach methods to…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Delaware: Survey of Older Adults and Individuals with Disabilities in Partnership with UCEDD
Key Partner: UCEDD Delaware has been actively working with the University of Delaware Center for Disabilities Studies, Delaware’s UCEDD, to develop a survey for older Delawareans,…
Virginia NWD: COVID-19 Response and Vaccine Access Infographic
Description: No Wrong Door - Virginia created the attached infographic which highlights how they have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. The infographic includes key data points,…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Arkansas Faith-based Outreach
Key partners: UCEDD and Department of Health (Office of Faith-based Outreach) The UCEDD in Arkansas (lead agency for the NWD System) partnered with the Arkansas Department of Health’s Office of…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Georgia Collaborative Promotes a No Wrong Door Approach to Vaccine Outreach
Key Partners: ADRCs, Areas Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living, State Unit on Aging, Assistive Technology Program, University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities,…
NCAPPS: Removing Barriers to Healthcare: A New Era for House Calls?
Description: This resource includes information on how house call visits are a way of providing more inclusive healthcare. It highlights the benefits and challenges of house call visits and features…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Missouri: COVID-19 Toolkits and Technology Workshops
Key Partners: ADRCs, State Unit on Aging, UCEDD, Division of Developmental Disabilities, MoHealth Net (Medicaid), Assistive Technology Program The UCEDD in Missouri has been disseminating COVID-19…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: New York, Vaccine Ambassadors
Key Partners: local public health department, local Tompkins County ADRC The ADRC in Tompkins County NY worked with the health department to plan and schedule vaccine clinics in rural and unserved…
AUCD: Prepared4ALL Whole Community Inclusive Emergency Planning
Description: The Association of University Centers on Disabilities has launched a free online training, Prepared4ALL. Prepared4ALL assists disability organizations, emergency managers,…
Ideas to Promote Access to the Booster Shot
We have heard some innovative ideas such as @Amy Lulich IL inserting a flyer in home delivered meals and WA @Lexie Bartunek launching an in-home booster campaign.…
ACL: Strategies for Helping Older Adults and People with Disabilities Access COVID-19 Vaccines
Description: This resource by ACL highlights innovative approaches to vaccine outreach and education, assistance in making vaccine appointments, accessibility, and in-home vaccinations.…
Proactive Vaccine Outreach Strategy: Colorado: Fast Lane for Vaccines
Key Partners: public health department, local ADRC, transportation providers CO ADRCs have been connecting individuals with Older Americans Act transportation services to get to vaccine appointments.…
Virginia: Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATs) Guidebooks and Resources
Description: The Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS) is the name of the state’s Assistive Technology Act program. The goal of VATS is to increase access to and acquisition of assistive…
Maryland: The Maryland Department of Aging and 211 Maryland Partner to Expand Reach of Maryland Access Point
Description: This press release announced a new partnership between the Maryland Department of Aging and 211 Maryland to increase access to aging and disability information.…
Proactive Vaccine Strategy: Massachusetts: Boston Haitian Community Vaccination Clinics
Key partners: ADRC, senior housing buildings, volunteers Ethos, one of three Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) serving the city of Boston and a member of the Boston Aging and Disability Resource…
ACL: Creating an Accessible Vaccine Experience for People with Disabilities and Older Adults
Description: The attached article outlines how vaccination sites could be made more accessible for people with disabilities, highlighting physical accessibility, communication,…
ACL: State Examples of Innovative Approaches to Vaccine Access
Description: This one-pager provides several state examples of innovative strategies to increase vaccine access. A link to the NWD State/Territory leads resource is included at the end of the…
ACL: Uber and Lyft Transportation Programs for COVID-19 Vaccines
Description: The following information details how individuals and local organizations can set up transportation with Uber or Lyft to get to a COVID-19 vaccination appointment.…